Check out are Google page
Check out are Google page…
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DetailsClean and Bright Windows #Cleaning #Windows in and around the #Bath area in 2018…
DetailsNice 2 weeks off back to it Monday ready for 2018 window cleaning in Bath…
DetailsEnjoying the break one week in and one two go before back to cleaning windowsEnjoying the break one week in and one two go before back to cleaning windows in Bath…
DetailsClean and Bright Windows would like to wish all are customers a Happy Christmas thanks thanks you for your custom this year.…
DetailsCold winter nights are definitely Back
Had a few cold days cleaning windows in Bath this week…
Details… Details2 more weeks then Holiday time a little needed rest from window cleaning
Winter House and commercial Window Cleaning
… DetailsIt has been a little cooled this week in Bath Looks like it will be a bit warmer this week
… DetailsCold but Beautiful winter morning cleaning windows in and around Bath
Bath christmas market traffic can’t wait getting around Bath cleaning windows at that time of year OMG…
DetailsSome beautiful misty mornings window cleaning in Bath this week.…
DetailsThis years Chas sorted
Clean & Bright Windows
CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) was created by experienced health and safety professionals in 1997 to improve health and safety standards across the UK.…
No way i would like to have been on that one…
DetailsThat time of year not just for window cleaning in Bath but can also help with the guttering that needs a good clean out.…