I am now sat on the couch watching TV thinking that people shouldn’t be this close to each other and touching each other then realising its footage that was recorded ages ago I’m going crazy.  Category: NewsBy Patrik NechalaMarch 22, 2020 Author: Patrik Nechala Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Look after our older generationNextNext post:Clean and Bright Windows will STOP cleaning window until the British Government adviseRelated Postswindows at GrosvenorMarch 9, 2025Cleaning windows in Raby PlaceFebruary 23, 2025Kennet Park in BathamptonFebruary 16, 2025Cleaning windows in Bath last weekFebruary 10, 2025Window cleaning in Bath Stone PropertyJanuary 26, 2025First week back at workJanuary 19, 2025